11th edition of the Global Eventex Awards

     We are so proud of our partner who co-produced the Lightopia light festival with us receive 5 Gold and 3 Silver awards on the 11th edition of the Global Eventex Awards including Grand Prix Gold for Best Agency. All winners have been chosen among a total of 561 entries from 37 countries from around the world and including the world's best companies such as Google, Youtube, Rolls Royce, Mercedes-Benz, Samsung etc..
lightopia festival 11th Global Eventex Awards
    Lightopia Festival was shortlisted in 7 categories at the 11th Global Eventex Awards in April, which was chosen among a total of 561 entries from 37 countries from around the world. We are very proud of all our hard work during the pandemic last year.

   Thanks a million to who have supported and attended the Festival.
lightopia light festival Global Eventex Awards.png

Post time: May-11-2021